The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is one of the leading accountancy professional associations in the world. This is the largest and fastest growing international accountancy body in the world, with over 320,000 members and students in 160 countries. The ACCA has an extensive network of over 70 staffed offices and other centers around the world.
Brief History:
In 1904 eight people formed the London Association of Accountants, in order to provide opener access to the accountancy profession than the two existing accountancy organizations. The ACCA went through a number of mergers and amalgamations over the years. In 1984 it became the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants to reflect the fact that, a decade earlier, it had been granted a Royal Charter of Incorporation. In 1996 ACCA became the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
In 1904 eight people formed the London Association of Accountants, in order to provide opener access to the accountancy profession than the two existing accountancy organizations. The ACCA went through a number of mergers and amalgamations over the years. In 1984 it became the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants to reflect the fact that, a decade earlier, it had been granted a Royal Charter of Incorporation. In 1996 ACCA became the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
About the Association:
The ACCA members, who are known as Chartered Certified Accountants, are employed in the industry, the financial services, the public sector, or in public practice. With statutory recognition in the UK and Ireland, ACCA has the authority to license their members to work as registered auditors. In the UK, it also authorizes its members to undertake in solvency work. Outside the UK, ACCA are recognized under the EU's Mutual Recognition Directive and in many countries around the world.
The ACCA members, who are known as Chartered Certified Accountants, are employed in the industry, the financial services, the public sector, or in public practice. With statutory recognition in the UK and Ireland, ACCA has the authority to license their members to work as registered auditors. In the UK, it also authorizes its members to undertake in solvency work. Outside the UK, ACCA are recognized under the EU's Mutual Recognition Directive and in many countries around the world.
In Bangladesh, the demand for the ACCA qualification is also increasing and a few fully qualified persons are in service in different sectors. Now British Council has become a regular exam centre. People who are interested in the profession and want to use the opportunity to join their desired career they can register themselves online at the address: www.accaglobal.com.
In other South Asian countries such as Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal, the ACCA is a recognized qualification and its demand there is very high compared to Bangladesh. By recognizing the ACCA, the business as well as the education sector is benefiting in these countries. To get the full benefit, our business sector must realize the value of this qualification. And accordingly, it has to act by recruiting more and more qualified ACCAs. If we can create more and more opportunities for our professionals, then the students, who had gone to UK to earn this qualification, will be back and the country will get better service from this fresh crop of experts.
In the UK, the difference between the ICAEW and the ACCA in relation to the job market is very little. From the salary survey, it is clear that there is no difference. Members of both the associations can engage in general practice in the audit and solvency practice. The ICAEW member can get the ICAB membership straightway, but not the one from ACCA. In our view this is not fair. We would appreciate if the ICAB authorities can sit on this issue and discuss the matter both within ICAB and with ACCA. If we can include ACCA in our list, we believe we will be benefited. Since ACCA is the most dynamic and active association, its members are in every sector of business and consultancy.
The goal of the ACCA is to be the leading global professional accountancy body in size, influence and reputation.
ACCA's Mission:
> To provide opportunity and access to the people of ability around the world and to support our members throughout their careers in accounting, business and finance;
> To achieve and promote the highest professional, ethical and governance standards;
> To advance public interest, and
> To be a global leader in the profession.
Strategic Approach:
In 2004, ACCA's's strategy, plans and operations were reviewed. As a result of this work, the ACCA's Council agreed on a new corporate strategy.
In summary, the ACCA Aims to:
In 2004, ACCA's's strategy, plans and operations were reviewed. As a result of this work, the ACCA's Council agreed on a new corporate strategy.
In summary, the ACCA Aims to:
> Be the first-choice qualification to people who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management
> Provide distinctive, world-class qualifications, which secure opportunity for our students and members
> Enhance relationships with employers, governments and other key stakeholders that will help sustain demand for ACCA-trained professionals
> Retain member loyalty, encouraging members to become ambassadors to increase ACCA's influence; and
> Use our expertise to assist organizations to develop the profession.
To support this strategy, the Council has agreed on a range of key performance indicators, which will be used to measure progress against specific objectives. These cover growth, stakeholders' satisfaction and retention, efficiency and innovation. The ACCA will report annually on its key performance indicators. Both Council and the executive are committed to demonstrating accountability, providing value and developing the accounting profession.
The ACCA's Strategic imperatives are to:
> Continue focused growth, concentrating on core products and services
> Build and leverage our global infrastructure and reach;
> Engage our large and growing membership base, and
> Create a more efficient and effective organization.
For our own improvement and benefit we should recognize the ACCA qualification and take necessary steps to recognize any ACCA member. In this way, we will get more experts for our association and improve ourselves further from their service.
Good work
Are you an MBA from IBA?
No ACCA tuition provider is good in Bangladesh. That is a big problem. Now Coaching centres are coming in. In UK Universities/Colleges provide tuition. Fu..ing centres like pagla s@ifurs and mentor are giving coaching instead of NSU or IUB
Saifurs cannot provider ACCA Tuition. They are MBA admission coaching centre
its nice work do appreciate u. but u should know that icab also dont get any exemption from acca. do you know why cos they(icab) has some quality problem on their own and its very much baurocracy the usual thing in bangladesh. So evern in future i doubt they wont come into right path unless when the feel their feet on the ground. me a uk qualified. sorry if have hard u. best of luck.
Dear Khorshed,
I am eager to know abt u ... hv u qualified from BD or UK.... who is good tuition provider ? how many papers can be passed easlily without coaching ? pls let me know
Anonymous to some points I strongly agree with u...saifurs and other coaching centre, they take ACCA is a business...they didn’t have minimum quality to being ACCA tuition provider..Another point they often say it’s a fast track to get a degree!!What a CHAPA..it can be the hardest way..they must understood what ACCA stand for its not a traditional educational degree(like BBA MBA).it’s a professional course..
Well, thanks to Mr. Khorshed Khokon and all the commentators. I've got a big picture of the scenario "ACCA-BANGLADESH PERSPECTIVE" Now one big problem (even bigger than before finding this page!), I intend to pursue ACCA residing in Bangladesh. What is the best way?
Please advise and give tips.
Mail me @ hades.bgd@gmail.com
This is the most informative discussion i have heard so far regarding pursuing ACCA from Bangladesh. Thanks to Mr. Khorshed Khokon to bring up the topic. Can anyone put some light on this coaching/learning issue here? Is there any information available on people who are successfully continuing ACCA from Bangladesh currently?
Thanks for all the posts..
i need to know really that who are the best quality tuition provider for ACCA/CAT in Dhaka?
no one they all are money making institute..and the interesting thing is there is no Approved Learning Partners in Bangladesh..ACCA only guarantee the tuition quality of Approved Learning Partners..in our country we have listed(registered in tuition provider directory) tuition providers but they are not approved and ACCA does not bear any responsibility about their quality..
Dear sir,
1.Is it possible to pass the ACCA by self-study?
2.How many papers are to be passed by self-study?
3.Which is the best tuition provider in Bangladesh, especially in Chittagong?
ACCA part-2 student.
helpful article....
Hello Everybody. I m studying law at DU and besides my honours i plan to complete ACCA from BD. Which one will be the best tution provider? How is S@ifur's??? plz let me know:::: armborhan@yahoo.com
Its true we dont have any approved learning partner as of July 2009 in Bangladesh. But Acca does have some accreditation with Institute like BIMS. ACCA have assessed their quality and curriculum, and hence given them accreditation for an exemption up to F6 (F1 TO F6 & CAT ALL PAPERS) for their worldwide customized course known as HND in accounting which is awarded by Edexcel. You can find the Quality accredition certificate at their website by downloading e-brochure of BIMS. The website address is www.bimsbd.com.
Is there any institute in Bangladesh that is accepted by ICAEW?
Yes, there is! BiMS HND Accounting (awarded by Edexcel) is accepted by both ICAEW and ACCA for advanced standing.
Hlw.take my salam.i've passed ssc exam in 2010.now i am thinking about my career.pls suggest me.i'm thinking about acca course.would it be gd for me?i also to know the best tution provider of acca course in bangladesh.inform me efat.1234@ovi.com
Dear Khohan Bhai,
can you advice me from where I can get the tuiton in Dhaka?
Only questioning without answering the questions makes a forum dead. The respondents seem to be active in questioning rather than answering a single question.To be effective please answer the questions raised by readers.
dont know about you guyz, but u all think uk is a best place for doing ACCA. well let me clear about some point. if you came here and do minimum hours of job though u cant pass all three subject in a sitting, but you have to take three paper in college as per visa rules, and another thing is that one of my friend doing acca in dhaka in CUC at dhanmondi whose got gold status from ACCA this year and he told me that they are doing awsome, so many students got very good marks from there, also in UK u cant get a relevant part time job beside doing ACCA coz now rules are totally unfavoured int students. some one says here ICAB has some problem, brother do you know anything about ICAB???? from last year they are following ICAEW rules as well as their sylabus then how can u say that ICAB has problem?? i personally prefer ICAB than ACCA bcoz ICAB students got relevant exp when they are studyin and thats helps to get a good job in future, but passing ACCA is like passing BBA MBA without exp and now job market is so hard nd without exp u cant even get a good job whether u pass from usa or uk, i know some acca students in bd whose doin part time trainee in CA firm but that kinda opportunity cant find in UK so much, if u got more than 75% marks in all of your F PAPERS then u can get a trainee job in here which is close to impossible in place like UK and average people, so im suggesting most of you who doesnt have that much fund you guyz can get admitted in chartered university college, oterwise if you have enourmous fund and if your parents can send you living cost from bd then UK is the best place for doin ACCA
If you need regarding mba admission in 2013 then click below link. Thank You.
MBA Admission 2013
I want to know, which is the best tuition provider in Bangladesh for ACCA? Please Answer me...
Email- rahedzawan@gmail.com
Regular fee's - 10,000/- per paper
Discounted fee's- 7,000/- per paper (valid till 10 August )
Additional discount available on brilliant result of past papers.
ACCA F2 & F3 batch start date:- 10 August 2017
More details: 01744295109
Regular fee's - 10,000/- per paper
Discounted fee's- 7,000/- per paper (valid till 10 August )
Additional discount available on brilliant result of past papers.
ACCA F2 & F3 batch start date:- 10 August 2017
More details: 01744295109
ACCA private tuition
Regular fee's - 10,000/- per paper
Discounted fee's- 7,000/- per paper (valid till 10 August 17 )
Additional discount available on brilliant result of past papers.
F2 & F3 batch start date:- 10 August 2017
More details: 01744295109
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